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The Component Corner Blog

The Component Corner Blog

The Engineering Behind Wireless Charging

Wireless charging has revolutionized how we power our devices. For engineering students, understanding the technical intricacies behind this technology is both fascinating and essential. This blog will explore the principles, components, and standards of wireless c... Read More

What is the difference between an electronics engineer and an electrical engineer?

Now, if you asked someone on the street this question their response would likely be that an electrical engineer deals with the wires in the walls of your house that power your lights, refrigerator, etc.  On the other hand, they would probably say that an elec... Read More

How Do I Prevent Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)?

As we discussed in a companion article on this subject, ESD is the rapid release of a static electricity charge from one object to another object on its path to ground. This discharge of electrical force can cause significant damage to electronic components that ma... Read More

What is Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)?

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) is the sudden release of static electrical energy from an object to ground, between two objects, or between an object and a person. As long as different electrostatic potential exists between two conductive bodies, a discharge can occu... Read More

What Legal Liabilities Should Be Considered When Designing a Product?

We should note, up front, that this article is meant purely for broad information purposes and is not legal advice. You should always consult the appropriate legal professionals for guidance related to your own unique product development situation.

<... Read More

What Software is Essential for an Aspiring or Existing EE?

Technical engineering software packages for electrical (or electronic) engineers are many and varied, filling a variety of functional needs. The difference among brands that target the same function is largely in the features bundled into the product. Like going to... Read More

Will Blockchain Affect Electrical Engineering?

We should begin this discussion with a disclaimer. Blockchain, the distributed database technology frequently associated with cryptocurrency, is a quickly evolving area. From its initial applications in finance and banking, it has bloomed into science, healthcare, ... Read More

Do I Need RoHS Parts or Compliance if my Products Won’t be Sold in Europe?

The short answer to this question is that if your products or component parts will not be sold in Europe, then the RoHS directive may notRead More

What Improvements Are Needed to Make Electric Vehicles a Broader Reality

The lure of using electric vehicles (EVs) for transportation is based on both smart publicity and solid fact.  EVs have gone through a fairly rapid transformation in the last decade. Industry investment, research & development, and creative marketing have ... Read More

Most Useful Programming Language for Electrical Engineers: Boost Your Career

Digital technology has revolutionized the field of electrical engineering. Whether you're specializing in circuits, electromagnetics, control systems, or communications, knowing at least one high-level programming language is now a prerequisite. But with an array o... Read More

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