The eight season of “Impossible Engineering” on the Science channel will start July 15. The show which launched April 2015 can be seen here or through most streaming platforms. The seasons have covered many challenging engineering feats from the biggest cruise ship, train, airplane and more to space stations, tunnels and other major projects engineers have help develop.
The series highlights a project and then goes back in history and explains how the technology was developed. It highlights several different specific engineering challenges relevant to the project the individual show is discussing and then tells the history behind each challenge. The show really dives into the historical significance of engineering ingenuity and how it impacts the project. They cover old technology and why it didn't work and what replaced it and why it's better.
In the new season of Impossible Engineering, experts celebrate some of the most ambitious engineering feats of modern life, including a heavy-lift ship capable of carrying both the Statue of Liberty and Eiffel Tower at once. Viewers will also get a look at some never-before-seen marvels, from the Jenga Tower in Austin, Texas, known for its one of a kind gravity defying projections, to a railway in Seattle built on top of the longest floating bridge in the world. The series will also dive into the story of the Stratolaunch and how engineers got the world’s largest airplane airborne.
While the production values in the early shows may have gotten some bad reviews, the new seasons have improved and, especially for an engineering student or someone looking to get into the industry the shows give great insights into the diversity of engineering work.