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Engineering Tool


Researching and critical thinking are requirements of the engineering process, but can take up a lot of time. Bookmark this EE Toolbox to save time along the engineering journey, from making an array of calculations to ordering parts to glancing at resources.


At OnlineComponents.com, we cater to buyers and electrical engineers who need the electronic components of all types, particularly hard-to-find parts or parts that are out of stock elsewhere.But sometimes, we all need a little technical or logistical help and for that, we have partnered with our Friend CircuitBread to provide a series of tools that can help with the electronic design and part selection process. With electronics calculators, that can handle tedious and mistake-prone calculations, or engineering calculators, that include a fully functional scientific calculator, a lead time calculator, a linear equations (matrix) calculator, and even a binary/hexadecimal/decimal converter. A constantly growing library of reference materials and a wide variety of unit converters are all made freely available for OnlineComponents.com users. We hope you find them useful and share them with others that may find benefit in using them as well.