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UV LEDs Help Fight Covid-19

Recently the use of ultraviolet light as a method for fighting Covid-19 has become a hot topic. While it is not something to use internally in the human body, it is a method that can be used for disinfecting areas, particularly for medical facilities.


“UV disinfection technologies can play a role in a multiple barrier approach to reducing the transmission of the virus causing COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, based on current disinfection data and empirical evidence. UV is a known disinfectant for air, water and surfaces that can help to mitigate the risk of acquiring an infection in contact with the COVID-19 virus when applied correctly,” the International Ultraviolet Association reports.


LED-based germicidal disinfection products currently available can be used to disinfect surfaces and the current pandemic has spurred the development of more sophisticated air disinfection systems. Using the benefits of LEDs, in general, such as their easy integration with other devices and low power requirements, new products are being developed to increase the surface areas that can be treated. 


“In addition to products that employ UV for disinfection, a relatively new line of products is appearing, referred to as “visible light disinfection” (VLD). These products use LEDs emitting in indigo (blue-violet) wavelengths that are safe for prolonged human exposure, enabling continuous elimination of bacteria sensitive to these wavelengths,” the EDN Network notes.


It must be noted that “UVC”, “UV disinfection” and “UV” as used here and in the scientific, medical and technical literature, specifically and importantly refers to UVC light energy (200-280nm light) in the germicidal range which is not the same as the UVA and UVB used in tanning beds or sunlight exposure.


For UVC devices designed to inactivate air and solid surfaces in the healthcare industry, members of IUVA are working diligently with other national standards organizations in the lighting and healthcare industry to develop disinfection testing standards[x]. The goal is to develop guidance that will help healthcare providers world-wide choose the best possible technologies for their institutions to use in the fight against multiple drug resistant organisms and other pathogens, like the COVID-19 virus.


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