RF GF(S)I SW915 Wireless Foot Switches Overview
STEUTE’s industrial-grade wireless foot switches feature an internal energy generator. No battery required. Actuation of the foot pedal generates power to send a unique, coded telegram to a compatible Receiver. If, within 15ms, the foot switch does not receive a confirmation signal from the Receiver, it transmits a second telegram.
RF IS M18 nb-ST Wireless Inductive Sensor Overview
RF BF 74 SW915-NET Polycarbonate Enclosure Overview
The RF BF 74 SW915 series, which is a 1-3 position enclosure that contains wireless switches. The switches can range from pushbutton, key, toggle, etc. This series allows a customer to pick a 1, 2 or 3 hole enclosure and select their actuator types, all of which are wireless switches. Ideal for factory floor applications.