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Honeywell Hiring 500 in Phoenix to Help Make N-95 Masks

Honeywell announced March 30 that they will be hiring up to 500 people to help them in the manufacturing of N-95 face masks to be used by medical and other frontline workers helping with the Covid-19 virus.

"Honeywell is adding 500 new jobs in Phoenix for the manufacturing of N-95 face masks and personal protection equipment. The company is already in the process of recruiting and hiring for these Phoenix jobs. 
The opening of the facility in Phoenix will increase Honeywell’s mask production capacity to more than 20 million monthly. The equipment is arriving in Phoenix this week. A similar expansion is underway in Rhode Island.
Production will take place at Honeywell’s Phoenix Engines campus, the company’s largest such facility, on the north side of Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport," the city of Phoenix website reported.
Honeywell said it would be producing masks by midMay and build to be able to produce 10 million masks a month.  Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego praised the efforts of Honeywell stating, "Honeywell has long been a respected member of the Phoenix community and now, during COVID-19, they are stepping up to protect us all. The protective equipment manufactured at this site will save lives across the nation. My sincere thanks to Honeywell and all those serving our nation during this challenging time.”
If you are interested in joining the team over at Honeywell information is here.  Other companies looking for workers during this time of pandemic can be found here.
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